Yard sale!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I'm thinking about this quote as I pack up our things this morning. Some things are going into boxes for moving or storage. A lot is being priced to sell. It's kind of amazing how much stuff you accumulate when you live somewhere for three and a half years (or lots more! I can't imagine.). I'm on the edge of my seat to know what we're going to do and where we're going to go next. It's all still very up in the air, but I'm so thankful the Lord knows. He's got this. I just have to remember that - and take a deep breath.

While I don't think C. S. Lewis had moving in mind when he wrote this, his words are helping me keep a heavenly perspective. Our time on earth is so fleeting. So hard. There truly are far, far better things that await - and it's so easy to lose that perspective when the unknowns of now feel pretty overwhelming.

With that said, if you're in the Nashville area on May 17-18, come to our yard sale! We are selling quite a bit and would love to see it all go. We'll be having it at our house in Franklin from 3pm to 6pm on Friday afternoon and then from 7am to 2pm on Saturday. There will be furniture, clothes, fabric and craft items, books, kitchen items, home decor, and baby items and clothes. There will even some really discounted Brighter Day sample bags! Send me an email if you'd like to come and I'll send you the details.


  1. I wish I could go! I hope it goes well and you sell a lot :)

  2. Oh, I so wish I could come! The one weekend I'm out of town - bummer! I hope it goes well for you.

  3. Oh so tempting to hop on a plane and come! Except we are moving soon too and are having our own garage sale (as we call them in NZ)
    Have fun!

  4. Same exact spot as you sis. Love love love you.


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