36 (and a half) weeks.

Monday, October 8, 2012

craving: orange juice. pumpkin spice anything. frozen yogurt.
missing: my pre-maternity Fall wardrobe. being able to tie my shoes. not having to test my blood sugar all day.
loving: his daily bouts of hiccups. when his daddy talks to him and prays for him. being asked by complete strangers when my due date is.  
hoping: all these "practice contractions" make me a little more ready for the real thing.
to do: finish packing our hospital bag. organize my music playlist for labor. finish sewing just 30 more purses (hallelujah!). get a pedicure. 
thankful: there's no more talk of induction (he's measuring perfectly). this pregnancy has been, in many ways, much easier than I thought possible.
dreaming: of the day we get to take him here, to Radnor. It won't be long.


  1. what beautiful photos...what a beautiful YOU 2! :-)

  2. beautiful photos, amazing light, cute belly!

  3. these pictures are absolutely gorgeous! You simply glow!

  4. You make such a cute preggers lady! :) Absolutely beautiful!

  5. Yep. You're definitely one of the cutest pregnant girls EVER. (Super cute hair too!) Love that they're not talking about induction anymore. :)

  6. Congratulations fav blogger! And boy aren't you the most beautiful preggers lady I've seen as well. There's hope for some of us...lol

    I hope all goes well. Would definitely like to read your stories after the d-day. God bless y'all!

  7. What a blessing to have a special place to take your little guy!


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