Morning light

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I couldn't help it. The Fall morning light streaming in our house this morning just begged for pictures. When we move someday, I want to remember what this sweet home of ours looked like first thing in the morning. Especially in the Fall.

I adore the Fall, if you couldn't tell. And I'm so, so thankful Baby L is making his entrance into the world during Tennessee's most beautiful season. He's getting in at just the right time... pumpkins, the smell of cinnamon, Thanksgiving, and then right into Christmas. What a lucky boy.

It's clear and breezy and gorgeous today, and I think it would make a fine day for a birthday. 10-16 has a nice ring to it, too. You hear that, L? :)


  1. Beautiful home. It's so fun seeing the items in your home and remembering posts about how you made them or received them. Feels like I've actually visited before. Hope you're feeling well. :)

  2. Fall is the best time to be born! (This coming from a February girl!)

    Morning Light is heavenly, truly. I love it!
    Eat Cake

    1. I'm a fellow February girl and yes... Fall will be wonderful for his birthday!

  3. 10-25 has an even better ring to it! What if baby L and Ellie Grace share a birthday!!?!

    Hold out, baby L!!! ;)

  4. Your home just looks so incredibly peaceful! I need to work on this. :)

  5. My birthday is tomorrow; it's the BEST birthday ever! : ) We get beautiful morning light in our living room, dining room, and kitchen, and wonderful evening light in our master bedroom. I love it.

  6. Gorgeous home and beautiful sunlight! Best wishes on your son's upcoming arrival!

  7. I love it when sunlight shines in, besides when the dust shows:) Your home is absolutely beautiful!

  8. I love the mirror with the shelf and hooks in your entry! It's beautiful! I've been looking for something similar, where did you find it?

    Love your home and your blog!

    1. It's from TJ Maxx or Marshall's foreeeever ago (at least 10+ years) :/ but I'm sure you can find something similar there!

  9. October 21st has been pretty good to me ;-) Praying everything goes smoothly for you when he makes his appearance!

  10. kind of dying over your super duper clean home! It is so beautiful! You capture it wonderfully too!


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