I am...

Friday, October 19, 2012

All of us are so different in how we process things, and I often process my inward struggles most effectively when I'm able to work them out in art. Yesterday, it was therapy for me to be reminded who I am in Christ as I painted this sign. I've seen similar versions on Pinterest and wanted these words to be seen in my home and felt in my heart. I've needed this reminder lately... when the self-criticism seems to be much louder than the truth that I am wholly loved, adopted, forgiven, and redeemed because of what Christ did for me.

I planned to hang it in my house, but decided to make a slightly larger version for the spot I'm thinking of. So I put it on Etsy to sell, thinking I'd let you all know about it today, and it sold within a few minutes. I may be making more, though, if anyone's interested (this one measures 7.5" wide and 15.5" tall). Maybe these are words you need to be reminded of, too.
PS - Thanks to everyone for buying up the earrings! Almost every pair sold yesterday, and I will have another round of them coming soon. :)


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