"I will stay with you."

Friday, January 4, 2013

Remember how Shawn wrote me a song for our anniversary?

Well, he cut a rough demo of it with the help of my dad on the night of our anniversary, and he's letting me share it. I'm too proud of him not to. I hope you love it just a tiny fraction as much as I do. :)

(If you're reading the post through Reader, click over to the blog to hear the song!)

UPDATE: You can now find the song on iTunes! :)


  1. what an incredible song! you are married to such a talented man. love love love the song and his awesome voice!

  2. It is very beautiful, i got goosebumps on my arms :-)

  3. God has truly blessed you and your family. Sean is very talented...as are you...Liam is one blessed little man.

  4. This is so beautiful! You're so very lucky to have married such a great man!

  5. Truly special & moving. Thank you for sharing. I wish I could add it to a playlist I'm making for my husband! Such a sweet expression of love, fidelity, & adoration.

  6. What a wonderful blessing. Thanks for sharing!

  7. What a sweet song! Super awesome voice too.

  8. What a beautiful keepsake & memory to hold onto.
    Thanks for sharing something so special!

  9. Beautiful song! You should make it available to download somehow, I would be willing to buy it! :)

  10. That was so beautiful. I only hope I can be so lucky in finding someone. [I would also be willing to buy it. :)]

  11. Such a sweet song!! Your husband did an amazing job! Thanks for sharing.

  12. So your instagram photos were scrolling as the song played; totally gave me a cheesy emotional high :)

  13. This was so sweet and beautiful! What a perfect anniversary gift :) -Courtney

  14. so so sweet and beautiful and just wonderful!! love you guys!

  15. Wow! Gorgeous & he has a great voice!

  16. All I can say is, WOW! That was amazing! God has truly blessed him. If he ever makes a CD or releases a single or something, I will totally buy it!

  17. So beautiful. Tears in my eyes. Love it.

  18. Had goosebumps the whole time. Shawn that was absolutely gorgeous! I just love you guys.

  19. He has such a great voice! Love the lyrics. It's so moving when our husbands use their talents to express their love. I think Rick's songs speak louder than his words in conversation. Much like blogging - I've heard a lot of husbands say they love reading their wives' blogs because we write things we may never really say in a day-to-day conversation with them. I think their songs are their own language too. Truly special.

  20. Its beautiful..! Touch wood..n God bless..!

  21. What a gorgeous song! Love reading your blog :)

    Best wishes and greetings from the Schwarzwald

  22. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful gift with us! Your husband has an amazing talent and I truly feel blessed for getting the opportunity to hear him sing.

  23. Amazing. As a single woman it was a sweet reminder of the type of person I should be looking for. beautiful song and voice and you can tell you have a beauitful marriage as well.

  24. My husband will be on the next flight to Tennessee so that Shawn can give him a few lessons ;-)

    Sigh. So beautiful! Is Shawn working on an album? He would have quite a following!


  25. So sweet! My husband wrote a song to tell me he loved me for the first time when we were dating. :) It's such a wonderful gift.

  26. Wow, what a precious gift! Shawn has an amazing voice. What an honor that we get to hear this beautiful exchange of your love. <3

  27. So lovely, and very sweet! You guys seem like such a wonderful couple :)

  28. your husband is so romantic. and the song is just so sweet... :)


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