Our weekend.

Monday, January 7, 2013

We are learning each other, the two of us and our boy.

We hit a few rough patches this past weekend as we tried (and failed) to translate his crying. Does his tummy hurt? Is he hot? Cold? Overstimulated? Bored? And how in the world could he possibly want to nurse again when he just ate an hour ago? No wonder we have such a hardy boy. He eats like... his dad.

Amazingly, he has slept through the night every night for the past 3 weeks. (Am I jinxing the sleep streak by announcing that?) We've done very little to facilitate this, but to say we love our sleep is an understatement. We adore it. So we really can't complain about the daytime fussiness here and there.

So we did more than just stare at his cute, and sometimes crying, face all weekend. We walked at Radnor, met up with friends, took out the trash (an ordeal when you live in the country), and ate Chipotle. But mostly, we learned him. I think he's learning us, too. And learning this big, loud, bright, confusing world.

A friend of ours used to say, "Life is a journey, not a guided tour." When it comes to parenting, I can't think of a truer word.


  1. Aw, you mentioning Stephen's quote there just made me really miss him... How much would he just love loving on our kids??

  2. What a sweet picture. Hope he keeps sleeping- you got this! - great quote!

  3. What a beautiful baby boy! I feel this same way, I am learning my baby girl these days as well. Somedays I feel like a very slow learner though. I am grateful for God's grace in my learning.

  4. What a great shot of your son! And I love the quote--so true.


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