Back to meal planning...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Source: Elana's Pantry
I'm not a consistent meal planner, but it really helps when I take the time to do it. Otherwise, we end up eating Chipotle or frozen pizzas a few more times than I'd like to admit.

So here's the plan for this upcoming week, with mostly new-to-me recipes. Just click on the titles to go straight to the recipe:

Monday: Baked mustard lime chicken, green beans, quinoa
Tuesday: Quinoa stuffed sweet potatoes, spinach salad
Wednesday: Clean eating chicken taquitos, green smoothies
Thursday: Slow cooker lentil and veggie stew
Friday: Perfect roast chicken with veggies and potatoes
Saturday: Baked dijon salmon, quinoa, salad

Also, my new favorite salad dressing recipe: Lemonette dressing
(This makes me want to eat a whole bag of spinach!)


  1. I must try this! Another blogger I follow does this and it saves her so much money - hers is

  2. This is exactly what I have been working on this morning! We recently moved outside of town so I'm hoping it'll cut down my grocery trips and bills :) Thanks for sharing your meal plan!

    1. I think it definitely cuts down! Good luck to you. :)

  3. All of the recipes you chose look delicious! I like the benefits of meal planning too, but I'm bad about committing time to it. Have you heard of They provide healthy, weekly meal plans with a grocery list! I have enjoyed all of the recipes I've used so far and it really saves me some time. They even give a few recipes for healthy snacks. It works well for us! I thought you might like to check it out, too. Hope you have a great weekend, Newbys!

  4. what recipes do you use for green smoothies? i want to try drinking more of those but i'm worried about just winging it...don't know if i'd be good at choosing what or how much to put in!! :) i need to start doing more meal planning too!

    1. I don't use a recipe, but for one serving, I use 1/2 frozen banana, a handful of frozen mango, a big handful or two of raw spinach, and then top off with orange juice or almond milk (or both) - place it all in a blender and enjoy!

    2. that actually sounds really good! :) Thank you for the suggestion!

  5. this is totally unrelated to your post (although i meal plan by the month and i LOVE it - makes my life 1000x easier plus cuts down on wasted food) but i thought of you when i saw this job post. not like you need a job...just thought you might be interested or know someone who is!

    if you're not familiar with noonday - you would LOVE them. check it out!

  6. Hi Whitney! My name is Jill and I'm from Chicago. You don't know me, but I've been following your blog for some time now. I really enjoy your photos and ideas. I tried making your lemonette dressing tonight, but the recipe is a bit confusing. It says juice from a whole lemon (4 T) but then in the instructions it says use 1 T of lemon juice. How much lemon juice are you really supposed to use? THANKS!


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