
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I can't help but adore this series of photos we captured when Aunt Shannon and Uncle Erik met their nephew for the first time just before Thanksgiving. Naturals, I tell ya! Liam was a floppy little thing, and Erik was so careful. Little did we know, Liam's cousin was hiding out under that black and white striped shirt. A new baby Newby is on his or her way! We could not be more excited for this little one... and in just a few days, we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. Whatever the case, it'll be one lucky kiddo. Congrats to Erik & Shans!

PS - Considering Shawn has zero cousins, Liam already has him beat at 3!


  1. Such a sweet post! You can just see the excitement and tenderness in the pics. How exciting for your family to get another baby! A cousin for Liam!
    Know you are adjusting to heading back to work...hope it is going well. Having Gma keep him has to help! Liam is just the cutest sweetest little guy....such adorable features!
    Enjoy your days!

  2. These pictures are so happy!
    Shannon has a contagious smile! :) Congrats to them.

    Manda from Eat Cake


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