6 months with Liam.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I'm pretty sure you've changed more during this month than in any other month. You're sitting up on your own, putting your pacifier in your mouth all by yourself, and understanding so much more. You rode on your first airplane this month, just a little more than an hour to North Carolina. You were fabulous on both flights, nursing on the way up and sleeping on the way down. We couldn't have asked for an easier travel buddy.

It's very obvious that you're teething with the drool, the constant gnawing, the rosy cheeks, the middle-of-the-night wakings, and a little bit of a cough. We're ready to finally see some teeth after all of this hoopla.

We love you, sweet boy. You make us want to have another little boy just like you because you bring us so much joy. We'll wait a while for that, though.


PS - One of my very favorite moments this month was when Uncle Erik made you laugh from your belly... I'll always be thankful we got this on video!


  1. haha very cute video!

  2. What an adorable laugh! Such a cute baby. -Courtney

  3. that video is so adorable! thank you for sharing :)

  4. That second pic is my fav. Love you Liam!

  5. That boy is seriously such a sweetie pie. I mean could that laugh be any cuter!

  6. Can't believe it's been 6 months already...what a sweet, sweet boy:)

  7. That video is too cute, as is your little boy!

  8. Cute video ... put a goofy smile on my face!


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