Our Easter in pictures.

Monday, April 1, 2013

I should have titled this, "Easter: Grandparents' Edition" because every single photo includes their beloved grandson (and, really, has very little to do with Easter). 

What you don't see: 
Liam's 3 other Easter outfits (We call him Spit-up King for a reason)
Auntie, cousins, and friends around the table
Lemon garlic chicken, rice, green beans, and carrot cake
An inspiring Easter service, celebrating the hope that we have in Christ's resurrection!
Liam's very first Easter basket

Nevertheless, I couldn't help but post these pictures of our darling, smiley boy in his daddy's shirt and his mama-made bow tie. And as we celebrated new life in Christ, we couldn't help but also celebrate the new life He has so graciously given us this year in our boy.


  1. These are such day brighteners! Thanks for sharing :)
    I especially love the photos with the doggy- what a trooper! :)

    Manda from Eat Cake

  2. Oh, he just gets cuter and cuter with every new post!!! Love your little guy!

  3. What sweet pictures! My favorites are the dog ones...so cute! -Courtney

  4. How precious! I love the ones with the dog. :-)

  5. Awwwww just look at Liam and the cute doggy! They look like they have a great bond! It always touches me how animals are so gentle and caring with little ones! So precious! Loved seeing these beautiful snaps of you holiday! And i just have to say Whitney, you do NOT look like you just had a baby a few months ago! You look amazing! God bless your family! Leilani

  6. God bless all of you! Your Liam is co cute :)

  7. ah yes, the grandparents from far away THANK YOU for this photo diary! Love how "uncle" Keebs is trying to keep LIam from leaving! I think Keebs likes him & they see EYE TO EYE! :-)

  8. Liam and the dog! Those pictures are priceless.

  9. OMG..this is such a cute post..i love Liam so much.

    if u get some time, please go thru my latest post. Its World Autism Awareness Day today.


  10. aaaw! how sweet photos! I hope you had a wonderful easter!


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