It matters.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Since Liam's birth, my free time has become extremely limited (understatement of the year?). Basically, it doesn't exist. And in this season, that's ok. I have a baby. A husband. A business. A home. Friends. I'm so blessed... just not really overflowing with gobs of time. Is anyone?!

One of the first things to take a hit has been my prayer life. It's embarrassing how easy it is to forsake studying the Word and spending any time in prayer, and ironic because I've never needed prayer more than I need it now. When I push it down to the bottom of my priority list, I am noticeably more impatient, quick tempered, and easily overwhelmed. Sometimes, I am intentional about it and consciously sit down for a few minutes, but then get frustrated by the millions of distractions: the sound of the jumperoo, or a whiny baby, or my phone lighting up with texts or Etsy messages.

I read once that Susannah Wesley, mother of John and Charles Wesley, was a woman of prayer. When she needed time alone and had nowhere to spend it, she would simply pull her apron over her head to pray. When her children saw their mother ducking under her apron, they recognized that she needed to be alone with the Lord, and they let her be. Those prayers, which I'm sure were probably desperate and frazzled, bore such fruit in her children and ultimately led to thousands hearing the Gospel. If she made time for prayer as a mother of 19, I'm pretty sure I can make time as the mother of 1.

It matters, friends. On days when it seems like everything else matters a little bit more, I am desperate to remember this. To remember Him, who is the source of my strength, my joy, my peace, my wholeness.


  1. Nate and I are praying for you guys as we are so intentionally seeking the Lord in our lives right now as well :) It is certainly a season of needed prayer for all of us isn't it.
    Much love to you sister. And don't worry...he hears even the simplest 'Jesus' that we utter ...

    1. Thank you, Shelly! We are praying for you!! Love you guys.

  2. Thank you for the reminder. It's so easy to let that fall to the side with everything else going on. I like the apron over the head idea! Happening in our house :)

  3. It really does matter.

    I just picked my Tab to read a few verses this morning while making breakfast, (after doing a 5minutes prayer). And this is the time I need prayers more than anything too...God help us all.

  4. I love the mental picture of Susannah Wesley pulling her apron over her head as a visual indication to her children she needed a few desperate minutes to "breathe" and pray. It also makes me giggle to think of some of those under-apron words that must have been spoken with 19 children at her skirt, pulling and tugging..."Lord...I'm bout to take this skillet and chunk it out the front door"..."Lord, why does this 2 year old never cease to bite his brother??" :) I've always believed God gives an extra measure of grace to young mommies with little ones around. He knows in this season you're frazzled and beat up. He also knows your heart loves Him deeply. Don't be too tough on yourself these days--it really does get easier!! Hugs.

    1. I love hearing from Moms who have been there and made it through. Thanks, Bobbye!

  5. Thank you. Love this so much!

  6. Thank you, Whitney! My daughter is 11 weeks old and this reflection (and picture of Liam!) are so sweet. It feels a lot less overwhelming when I think about others who are or have been there too, and the God who fills those apron over the head moments!

  7. This is such a struggle, especially for new moms! As a mother of 6 I can commiserate. I have a post on this early stretch in motherhood and how it effected my 'devotional' time. It might interest you. I think Susanna flourished because she adjusted to her obligatory routine, was flexible with how and when she prayed and seized the moments she could...she truly was an inspirational woman. And so are you. I'm glad to have been introduced to your blog!

    1. Mother of 6! Wow. I'm looking forward to reading your blog!

  8. That porch. Going to miss that. Praying for you, friend.

  9. As a new mom of a 6 week old, this is an area I have been thinking about and struggling with too. I actually just wrote a post about this, about how I need to choose to spend the limited time I do have with the Lord, rather than filling it with other things. Thank you for the great illustration from the life of Susannah Wesley!

  10. I've been married for nearly 3 years and became a mum last year like you (isn't it just utterly wonderful??! :D). My baby girl is a bit older than Liam, nearly 9 months now. But I can so relate to this and I found reading this an encouragement. We need to be as iron sharpening iron to each other (Proverbs 27:17) in this world of much discouragement and temptations to fall. Thank you for a helpful blog which I just keep reading. X


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