Thank you, Skype.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Today, I'm so thankful for technology. I'm thankful that Liam got to see his cousin crawl in Cleveland, show off his jumping skills to his great-grandma in Dayton, and see his grandparents in Germany just before they headed to bed... all in the same day. 

Sometimes I can't wait for Heaven, simply because there won't be goodbyes. Technology makes the distance feel a lot closer, but still... I can't wait for the day when there won't have to be a screen between us when we want to be together.


  1. Oh, I understand it so well! I live far from parents and Skype help us see each other and talk and makes our lives much better :)
    Your family is fabulous! God bless!

  2. It really will be wonderful when goodbyes are no more!


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