Spring is here.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's true.
Though today it's storming (the coziest sewing weather!), Spring in middle Tennessee is nearly incomparable. It's lush and green and gorgeous.

I don't know about you, but Spring inspires me to create. Recently, I've been inspired by so much that I've seen on Etsy. I have no relation to any of these artists listed - I just really love their work!

My current favorites:
This photography print. And this one.
This gorgeous blush pink necklace.
These pale mint coasters.
This happy herringbone quilt.
This baby mobile.
This sweet kitchen painting.
These fabric alphabet letters for Liam.
These art prints in the perfect colors.


  1. OH I love this picture and that quote on it- AWESOME! I'm having to agree with the few things I clicked on above.. great style lady!

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning my quilt it means a lot, and as a result has directed me to find your lovely blog! Ruffled kitchen towels have now been added to my to-do list, they are simply charming.

    Laura xx

  3. This post really hit me hard. I accepted an offer to move to Tennessee for a few months, and though I'll miss the cold of the North, I'm sure I'll find it just as beautiful as you do. How's summer in Tennessee?

    1. Summer can be a bit muggy, but for the most part, it's gorgeous! Welcome to TN!


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