Right now.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I am... 
... watching the radar and seeing this headed our way. I couldn't be happier about it. I love thunderstorms.
...  staying up until I finish 14 purses. Not my favorite thing, but right now, not a choice.
... trying to let a nasty email from a stranger roll off my back. I have a feeling if she'd said it to my face, she wouldn't have been so venomous. The anonymity of the internet makes manners go out the window sometimes.
... feeling so full after eating Chipotle and apple crisp with Ash & Mase. It was worth it.
... finding a new Tim Keller sermon to keep me company.
... feeling thankful that I just put my shop on vacation mode until we move.
... wondering where we'll move.
... wondering when we'll move.
... wondering why I'm still here procrastinating.

14 purses to go!

Goodnight, friends!


  1. Boo Ugly Emails. I just don't understand how people can get SO nasty... just blogged about the meanness of the internet after I saw several friends going through the same thing -and a nasty blog about a great pastor --and the daily ugliness & discouragement that I find all over Facebook. It's everywhere.

    I just hope that I can be a little light & encouragement in the middle of the mean.

  2. Just remember for every ugly comment, you have even more readers who love everything you post! I love reading your blog for an encouragement in my faith. You and Shawn live amazing lives that glorify our Lord and Savior, I love seeing you two grow even more through each new season in life. I can't wait to continue seeing you guys raise that adorable boy of yours to love Jesus and allow his life to serve as a testimony!

  3. I agree with Amanda, you just have to try and ignore the horrible, uncalled for things that people say because it is painfully obvious that you have a large leigon of followers who love reading about your life and your adventures and look forward to every blog post. I know I am one. I can only hope that my blog and soon to be Etsy store will become as popular as yours are. Don't listen to those mean people especially when you know just who you are. And if all else fails I'm sure a cute cuddle with that boy of yours will wash away any thoughts of that mean person.


  4. Rainy days make great work at home days. Hope you weren't up too late. I know what you mean about the anonymity of sending emails. I deal with that at work more often than I'd like. Our identity is in Christ. Not what one say about us or to us. Praying for the move and that you and Shawn don't feel anxious.

  5. i listened to Tim Keller do a sermon on Psalm 139. It was so so good. I'm sure you could find in on his website.

  6. i just got my coral chevron purse in the mail and i LOVE it!!! super super well made and unique too! so please know all your hard work shows to the people you sell to :)

    also, i live up by Ft Knox and work in Louisville, we've been getting some of that storm weather too, i love opening the front door and seeing the lightning (as long as its not too close!!)

  7. Storming in Maryland tonight too. It's late Friday night - I'm guessing those purses got done? I love them, by the way. Hope moving goes well. I wonder too what God has in mind for you?

  8. It was so fun to eat with you guys...even if there was a pound of salt in my bowl somehow :) Chipotle is better when you're STARVING! Miss you guys :)


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