Because you asked...

Friday, December 10, 2010

I now present...
Christmas in our living room! 

(With studying for final exams + working 30 hours a week, we do have a few other Christmasy spots in our home, but they're not quite ready for their unveiling.)

Very vintage nativity set that I adore from my Grandma & Grandpa Tunney. They used it beginning in the 50s!
I chose to do a more simple, neutral look this year for our living room and I am loving it. No bright colors, just neutrals with a little green here and there.

The other, less Christmasy side of our living room.
Our tree is pretty bare bones when it comes to decor, but it lets the earthiness shine through beautifully.
I did add this music paper garland from this tutorial.

As for the mantle, we still haven't found a permanent solution for what to go underneath it, but that window had been sitting on our front porch for a few months and I decided it would work for now.


Also, I did make these stockings the other day (when I should've been studying). We had bright red stockings - which now grace another room - but burlap stockings seemed to fit much better. And they were free! I already had the burlap and the cream fabric, just traced our other stockings for a pattern and made it up as I went (with lots of help from the seam ripper).

I wanted them to be similar, but knew Shawn probably wouldn't like a flower on his. :) This is mine:
And this is his (I wouldn't necessarily call it "manly" but no flowers in sight!):

Hope you enjoyed the tour!


  1. i am in love. your style is so similar to mine... simple and chic with many neutrals. i also love the creams and greens for christmas. i made a similar garland for our tree and would love to do burlap stocking as well... maybe i'll give it a go! thanks for showing us around.

  2. Love the stockings! Looks so pretty friend. I miss being in your cozy living room with you guys! :( Lovie love you!

  3. Just LOVE it! Thanks for the TOUR! :-) Who knows, maybe NEXT year we will get to see it in person!!! :-)
    And I really like your fireplace "solution"! :-) Looks great!

  4. aw LOVE the stockings, friend! i have to say i like yours over shawn's. ;)

    the tree looks so good too - esp in love with the paper garland!!!

    merry christmas, friend!!

  5. it's so pretty and the stockings are fantastic! great work, adore um. i also love that antique fan in your armoire-hutch! merry christmas!! here's hoping you can trade in the books for a hot mug of tea soon!

  6. THIS IS GORGEOUS!!!! =) So pretty. Merry Christmas!

  7. love the window under the mantel Whitney!!

  8. Way cute, Whitney! I love the natural burlap (along with the little details) of your stockings.

    The paper garland is too cute!

  9. Hi Whitney, I recently came across your blog and this past week have been reading your past posts religiously....I promise I'm not that creeepy - but you're extremely talented and reading some of your posts is helping me with a slightly rough time in my professional life. Ok all that aside, the real reason that I'm commenting on this post is because of your paper garland on your Christmas tree. I'm getting married in August and we have designed out invites and had plans to sew them together - way cute! But my machine seems to be struggling with sewing on paper - I've adjusting the tension a million times with no luck. I know you use a Brother, and I do to - just wondering if you have any suggestions for a better stitch??

    1. Hi!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!! :) I wish I could help you more with the sewing through paper thing... my one thought would be to check your needle? Make sure it's new and sharp. I also found this link to some tips for sewing through paper:

      Hope that helps!


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