In an effort to document the everyday

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This is 5:30am at my house.
And 11:30pm.
And usually sometime in between.
Tea brewing

At least I have the sweetest view.
Our first real Christmas tree, partially decorated
To be honest, it's been really easy to have a complaining spirit about these current weeks. I'm not getting lots of sleep, working lots, going to class, going to lab every time the doors are open, and preparing for final exams which are scattered through the next two weeks. There are things that I miss: free time, cooking, getting together with friends. 

And then I really sit back and think about it.

I have the opportunity, by God's grace, to work almost full-time and to be a full-time student, pursuing what we feel like God has for me: a nursing degree.
I have never once gone hungry.
If I get cold, I grab yet another sweater or turn the heat up in our little house.
I have a family who loves me, a husband who adores me, a home on 20 beautiful acres...
and I'm complaining?

As soon as I remember those things and more, I get back to my books with a smile in my heart and a reassurance that God really is so good and so faithful.

This morning, I changed it up a little.
I moved into our sunroom to watch the sunrise over my Nutrition textbook.
Yes, that's a second Christmas tree.
Yes, we have a small two-bedroom house.
We just really like Christmas around here. :)


  1. I'm a new reader, and this post was so, so perfect for what I've been experiencing lately. I've been juggling my full-time job and part-time grad school for only one semester, and it has been MISERABLE. Although I think I signed myself on for too much these last few months, I also know I've been given a wonderful gift: the opportunity to both work at a job I enjoy and attend a great university. Thanks for reminding me of the blessings that are sometimes difficult to see!

  2. I too have been drowning in to-do lists and school and it's been really difficult recently to find time for God and to not complain. I always have to remind myself to count it all a joy and to give thanks. Thanks for posting this; I needed to read it...

  3. love this. love two christmas trees! the more the merrier :)

  4. You have the Teavana tea maker that I have on my Christmas list! I love the white dresser with the glass doors, stunning!


    Molly Jane

    PS. I really enjoyed this post!:)

  5. I feel like I would be right at home in your home -- it's gorgeous. I especially love the mantel. I just drank Echinacea tea -- so I'm feeling your tea-lovin'.

  6. aw the tree looks gorgeous! and you can do it!!!!! you're almost done!!! i can't say how proud i am of you enough! keep pushing through all the craziness & rest is right around the corner! i love you!!!

  7. Wrapped presents already!? Girl. You're good. I have bought 2 presents. Total.

  8. I enjoy your blog so much and love your beautiful home. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy those pretty trees!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. it's amazing, isn't it? when we take a moment to step back, we realize how truly blessed we are. i love your tree-- hoping we get to see more of your festive home over the coming weeks!

  11. I'm a new follower on your blog... stumbled across it a month or so ago... and woman... I just have to say... you are such a blessing to this little heart! thank you so much for your sweet honesty, and humble and creative heart! you're a joy to read... and elmstreetlife pairs quite well with my morning coffee!


  12. Yes, I'll sound like a broken record, but I'll play the part well. ;)

    This really blessed me. Simple. Yet, oh-so true. I've been stressing over school and deadlines and responsibilities, and thinking that eternal rest with my Savior will be so, so sweet! And yet, He makes this life so, so sweet, too. And in so, so many ways.

    Thanks a bunch.

  13. I love the 2 trees! ! The real one has such a perfect shape, you've decorated so beautifully! I am glad you get to enjoy them more, but not at KLEENEX expense. :-( I hope this affords some sleep, the blessing of sleep..& much needed still waters...


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