Guess what?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

(And she still can't believe it!!!)

By God's grace, I found out today that I was moved off the waiting list and onto the class roster to begin nursing school at the school I really wanted to go to in January!

Through a lot of prayer, Shawn and I felt very content with whatever the decision would be: to start in January or to wait until the Fall. But we are ecstatic that a spot opened up for January.
Let me just say, He answers prayer.

"Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:4


  1. AWESOME!!! So, SO glad for you!!

  2. Congratulations!! It's so neat to see God set things in motion!

  3. congratulations! God is so faithful.

  4. Praise God!! Yay for the both of you & so happy to hear the good word. :) I found your blog from a 'favorites' post of Summer and have been encouraged by many of your words...thanks for sharing on this bloggie world! ><>

  5. Congratulations Whitney!! What good news!! :)

  6. Congratulations!!! That is wonderful :o) I'm really happy for you two - what great news!

  7. Congrats! Glad that you made it in. Now the hard work begins.


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