Happy birthday, Love!

Monday, December 6, 2010


Dear Shawn,

You're 24 today.
I couldn't be more excited about this new year of your life and the fact that I get to spend it with you. And I'm thrilled that I get to devote an entire day to celebrating you!

To kick off the celebrations, here are 24 things I really love about you, in no particular order:

1. You would rather listen to a sermon or read your Bible than almost anything else.
2. You're a stud on the soccer field.
3. You tolerate my constant Chipotle cravings and act like we didn't eat there just yesterday.
4. You speak fluent German and it impresses me every time I hear it.
5. Your green eyes melt me.
6. You have great hair.
7. You follow the Lord's lead even when it doesn't make a ton of sense by the world's standards.
8. You dance with me in the kitchen.
9. You make new friends everywhere you go.
10. You like interesting kids' names.
11. Your real laugh is so contagious.
12. You have a "theological crush" on Tim Keller.
13. You're proud to be my husband (and that means so much).
14. You look so good in your Diesel jeans.
15. You have a very large musical palate.
16. Your squinty-eyed smile is so genuine.
17. You're not afraid to tell me no (something I prayed for in a husband).
18. You love leading worship and are incredibly gifted at it.
19. You are unbelievably supportive of my dream of becoming a nurse.
20. You're going to make an awesome dad someday.
21. You ask me what you can do to help me and then you do it... making trips to the store, bringing me dinner at work, doing laundry, cleaning.
22. You're super romantic.
23. You're so easy to miss. (And I do, every time I'm not with you.)
24. You're a really hard worker and provide for our little family so well.

Let the festivities begin!!!

I love you,


  1. Makes me SO happy to read these...

  2. sweet list and so true of shawn!!!
    please wish him happy birthday from me!!!

    love you both!

  3. Awwww. Happy Birthday Shawn!!!!

  4. very sweet. there really is nothing so wonderful as a husband who loves the Lord.


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